
Showing posts from September, 2014

#‎Ebolaalert‬: ‎In‬ Support and Appreciation of the Nigerian Healthcare Workers.

NB:This article first appeared on #Ebolaalert #ThankUNigEbolaHealthWorkers The Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in Nigeria brought with it, tension and fear which eventually led to a high level of panic evident in the midnight salt bath that spread like wide fire all over the country within a space of 12 hours earlier in August. However, worthy of note is the very professional manner with which our government and our healthcare givers have handled the epidemic. Much as one would say it was the inefficiency of the government that led to the introduction of the disease to the country in the first place; by letting travelers from infected neighboring countries enter Nigeria freely despite prior knowledge of the deadly EVD, one will not but applaud the efforts of the government so far in containing the spread of the disease. But for the 'naughtiness' and/or ignorance of some citizens, the disease woul